WonderForce, Ready To Use One Component Gel 280 ml, Without Outer Packaging
Single component insulating gel in cartridge to instantly protect new installations and oversee maintenance of all types
of electrical connections.
Electrical connections, within empty enclosures, are exposed to the risk of short circuit, oxidation and corrosion, at
times, resulting in irreparable damages.
Without stress and no waiting around, Wonder Force makes your job easier, guaranteeing the protection and safety of
systems in compliance to best practice rules to provide the highest quality solution, quick and perfect to get the
satisfaction of both you and your clients.
-Ready to use! No mixing required! Already cross-linked! No need to wait!
-Resolves issues connected to incorrect insulation or sealing
-Eliminates annoying out of service instances caused by moisture
-Protects your systems from the penetration of insects
-Protects your electrical connections from oxidation and corrosion
-Dielectric strength: > 20 KV / mm